VJC的安装与第一次使用(Installation and First Use of VJC )
       VJC中文全名为图形化交互式C 语言,支持标准流程图式图形化编程和标准C语言编程。具有初学者上手快,高级用户用其开发复杂算法空间广的特点。
    The full Chinese name of VJC is graphical interactive C language, which supports standard flow schema graphical programming and standard C language programming. The utility model has the characteristics of quick use by beginners and wide space for advanced users to develop complex algorithms.
       (1)VJC4.3安装过程 VJC4.3 Installation Process
       The installer will first verify that your computer has been installed. NET 2.0(or above), enter if not installed. NET 2.0 installation, if installed, directly into the installation of the VJC main program.
        VJC4.3的推荐运行环境是WIN XP、WIN 7。
        VJC4.3's recommended operating environment is WIN XP, WIN 7.
       After successful installation, the new interface appears the first time you enter the VJC, as shown of the below picture, selecting the corresponding option according to the program format you want to create a new one.

      (3)程序下载 Download
    There are three ways to download the current edited flowchart program or the JC program:
       Click the Download button on the toolbar;
       Use the "Download Current Program (D)" under the" Tools (T)" menu in the menu
    Use shortcuts, F5- download the current JC program, F6- download the current flowchart program.
     The program needs to connect USB download cable before downloading. The Ccon102 controller connects the USB cable to the download interface on the display of the controller. If the USB cable is not connected, and download directly, the VJC download interface will also be prompted.
      If there is a syntax error in the program, it will not be able to compile and will cause the program to be unable to download. The syntax error of the flowchart program generally appears in the custom module. The syntax error of the JC code will be displayed in the Interactive Information Window, double-clicking the error line will automatically locate in the JC code window to facilitate your modification.